Monday, January 30, 2012

Talking about Politics

Syria is on the brinks of major political movement, on all levels.. Is it correct to ask about venues where politics discussions would be allowed at, and places where talking about politics is not advisable due to certain considerations?

- The army and the armed forces have always been immune from politics, and its members of all ranks are not allowed to discuss politics.. Theoretically, it is logical in order to fortify this utmost important foundation from any political interactions, and to keep it focused on its sole ultimate mission: protecting the homeland from any external threat, and support the security institutes during internal threats, which is securing the peace and national security... But the Syrian Arab army is an ideological army, not a submissive one, and feeding it politically -similar to what's happening now- proved its effectiveness and importance, thus this method must be maintained in the same way, but with openness to all partisan directions, but under the roof of basic national principals of identifying the enemy and fixing the compass, and that treason is not a point of view, but a major crime.

- Debating politics at all educational institutes (schools, universities, academies and educational centers) of all levels, must be avoided, to maintain the educational role of these institutes, and not to distract students' attention in issues far beyond the educational attainment, as these establishments are for spreading knowledge, not for anything else, and all what's been said about a students movement and the participation of students and activating them politically, are all heretical, just to keep them busy in politics to keep them away from education.

- If the religious clergies want to work in politics, it should be through a comprehensive national plan supervised by the ministry of Endowments and religious affairs that include the house of Fatwa and accredited heads of churches, this plan include the main lines to discuss heavenly and Earthly matters by preachers, orators and priests, to promote religious tolerance and abandon the Takfiri way of the thinking and inflicting sectarian strife which is very strange in our society out of it, such mentality that was forcibly introduced to us... The religious institutions are supportive establishments to the educational institutions for the upbringing of citizens.

- Public government institutes and private sector companies, have productive and service objectives it was set up for, and occupying them with political matters have negative impact on the performance on these institutions whether it's a production based, service providers, consultancies or any other objectives, the same applies to private sector companies, in which the labor union ensure not to politicize the workers of such foundations, and that all meetings and union activities are out of working hours.

- Streets and public squares: which are meant to help people move from one place to another, and not for sit-ins, blocking nor obstruction of traffic and peoples' movement.. and all those who made the streets a place of political movement, becomes "sons of streets".

As we see, keeping these institutions and venues out of political debates, is not a derogation of peoples'rights or political responsibility, but the main target is to keep such institutions focusing on their natural job..

Here we mention the places, where talking about politics is allowed:

- People's assembly: The most appropriate place for political debates, service and legislative work.
- The Cabinet: the executive authority specialized in political and service work.
- Presidential Establishment: Its main objective is working in politics and supervising the rest of the government institutions.
- Headquarters of licensed political parties: naturally.
- Mainstream Media: Under the condition of allocating special political programs, or political channels and commitment to the opinion and the respecting the Right of Reply, and to honor the media law that do not promote the discussion to vulgarity, do not direct accusations without evidences, and to hold every person who throws accusations, real or nominal at any person accountable, as what's known as 'political accusation' is a political hypocrisy.
- Online social media: open for all.
- Political seminars and partisan conferences: Provided the presence of various media, and obtaining prior license.

This is not confining a right but rather legislating one, and it is not suppression of freedoms, but pruning politics.. Keep in mind that your freedom ends where others begin.

I call on whomever have a different opinion or have an addition to comment below.

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